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Scaynes Hill Village

 Cycle/walkway - latest updates

Last updated 26 July 2022


Application submitted to the WSCC Community Highways Scheme (CHS) for the preferred route from Scaynes Hill to the junction of the B2111 and Snowdrop Lane where it would connect with the proposed Country Park of the Walstead Park development.  Although the estimated cost of £0.9 million exceeds the funding limit of the CHS it is hoped that WSCC may be able to move the scheme on to the Local Traffic Improvement Programme (LTIP).

Key Councillors and Officers at MSDC advised of the application to the WSCC CHS.


MSDC Cabinet Member attended the SHLAT meeting to give a response to our presentation of the case for our project. MSDC say that the project will not be included in the LCWIP as this only covers the 3 main towns where they see the greatest captive demand.  This is an apparent change in the Terms of Reference as it was previously understood that the LCWIP would cover a radius of 10 km for cycling.  MSDC Cabinet Member will investigate the apparent change.  WSCC’s formal response is still awaited but we have been advised by them to apply to the WSCC Community Highways Scheme for funding.  An application will be made by the deadline at the end of July.


MSDC Cabinet Member responsible for LCWIP joined the SHLAT meeting. Slide pack presentation outlining the case for the scheme was shared and discussed.  Click here to see the presentation.


Slide pack outlining the case for the project prepared and shared with Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport at WSCC.


Responses received from 14 out of 32 consultation letters (4 fully supportive, 6 qualified supportive, 3 no comment, 1 against). Subsequent meetings held with a number of respondents to give more information, hear views and discuss potential mitigation measures.

Member of SHLAT attended a workshop with the Consultants preparing the Local Cycling & Walking Programme (LCWIP) for MSDC and highlighted importance of providing connectivity from the villages into the towns


Consultation letters asking for comments sent to all landowners with land/property adjacent to the first stretch of the road route from Scaynes Hill to the junction of Bedales Hill and Snowdrop Lane.


SHLAT Group meeting:-

  • Joined by MSDC Cabinet Member for Housing & Planning to be briefed about the scheme and asked for help in maximising synergy with provisions in the Walstead Park development.
  • Consultation with key landowners continues; to be extended to other potentially affected landowners soon.
  • Study of road route indicates a path on either the South or North side of the A272 should be feasible.
  • Study of feasibility and options for a road crossing near the bottom of Bedales Hill started.


Initial walking survey of route from Scaynes Hill as far as Snowdrop Lane carried out to gather data for development of options.


SHLAT Group meeting-

  • Landowners either side of Bedales Hill have agreed in principle to permitting a path on a strip of their land adjacent to the road. A path following this route would involve a road crossing near the bottom of Bedales Hill.
  • Response from MSDC about progress of the LCWIP indicates that focus is on the 3 towns (East Grinstead, Haywards Heath, Burgess Hill) and consultation has started. Connectivity to villages near these centres will be considered at a later stage.
  • The developer for Walstead Park has provided details of paths to be provided in their Country Park,which would appear to give good connectivity with our proposed cycle/walkway towards Lindfield and Haywards Heath, but they are designed for pedestrians only, so SHLAT Group is trying to set up a meeting to explore possibilities.


SHLAT Group meeting:-

  • Cross country routes have been blocked by lack of support from key landowners, so further study of these routes has been discontinued.
  • Productive meeting with the WSCC Highways Officer, who is supportive of trying to help find a solution to the highway route, maybe in stages.
  • Contacting other key landowners adjacent to the road route with a view to getting some parts of the route outside the highways land boundaries.
  • Further engagement with MSDC over the Local Cycling & Walking Programme (LCWIP) as consultation stage is planned to start soon.
  • Contact made with developers of Walstead Park to co-ordinate with cycling/walking paths being provided there.
  • Scheme objectives defined in order to help identifying potential sources of funding.


SHLAT Group meeting:-

  • Discussions with landowners impacted by the road route has been encouraging so far and will be extended to others.
  • Site meeting with WSCC Highways Officer arranged for 22-Oct to look at road route and discuss some of the key issues.
  • Key landowners on cross-country routes are not fully supportive of scheme on their land and these routes are beginning to look less feasible, but dialogue will continue.
  • Dialogue continuing with MSDC over the Local Cycling & Walking Programme (LCWIP), which will be moving onto the public engagement and route prioritisation stages soon.
  • Started dialogue with WSCC to understand their process of prioritising and funding of local traffic improvement schemes, including access to the Government’s Active Travel Fund.
  • Agreed to explore in more depth potential synergy and co-ordination with the Walstead Park development.


Working party meeting:-

  • Group joined by a Transport Consultant with experience of Active Travel schemes
  • Engaging productively with WSCC Highways Officers and Councillors
  • Have initiated discussions with key landowners
  • Identified potential further S106 monies from Walstead Park development
  • Agreed group name as Scaynes Hill - Lindfield Active Travel (SHLAT) Group


Working party meeting agreed to:-

  • discuss road route with WSCC Highways Department;
  • start contacting key landowners on the cross country route to explore possibilities;
  • research and explore possible synergies with the Walstead Park development.


Letters sent to LRPC & LPC formally asking them to join the working party and giving the Terms of Reference as:

  To progress the realisation of a dedicated cycling and walking path between Scaynes Hill and   Lindfield as far as is practicable, which shall include the following:-

  • to produce a pre-feasibilty report on alternative routes, gathering as much relevant information, including issues of landownership, legal matters, technical difficulties, environmental considerations in order to inform a full costed feasibility study (by others);
  • to identify and explore potential ways of achieving and funding a feasibility study;
  • to identify how to ensure community involvement and support is encouraged and retained;
  • to identify optimum way to utilise the S106 monies from the Swallows development (or any other S106 funds similarly allocated) to benefit the community if the full cycle/walkway is not financially feasible by 10 year deadline date (2027 for the Swallows S106 funds).


Initial meeting of Councillors from WSCC, MSDC, LRPC & LPC with the SHSG to discuss forming a working party to progress the realisation of a dedicated safe route. LPC Councillor attended as observer only and will report back to full council, who will be invited formally to join the group. Further actions on hold until full group composition is confirmed. Next meeting to be on 03-Aug.


Revised survey report combining the results from both surveys published on this website and circulated to the working party and other previous recipients.


Lindfield survey closed. 258 responses received, of which 38 were from those who had also done the first survey - thus 220 new responses. Combined with the 434 responses from the first survey this makes a total of 654 responses.


Second similar survey targeted at Lindfield residents published in Lindfield Life and followed up with e-mails to local groups and schools in the area.


Meeting between SHSG, Chair and Clerk of LRPC and MSDC Councillor for High Weald at which it was proposed to set up a working party (WSCC/MSDC/LRPC/LPC/SHSG) to be chaired by Garry Wall (WSCC Councillor for Lindfield & High Weald) with a remit to try and find a way forward for this project.  First meeting scheduled for 23-June.


Survey Report sent to the following asking for a commitment to support this scheme and how they would propose to do so:-

  • West Sussex County Council (WSCC) candidates standing for election on 6th May as representative for the Lindfield & High Weald electoral division.
  • WSCC Officers for Highways, Local Access Forum, Rights of Way and Cycling Forum.
  • Mid Sussex County Council (MSDC) - Leader of the Council, Cabinet Member for the Environment & Service Delivery and Business Unit Leader for Communities, Policy and Service Delivery.
  • MSDC Councillors for Lindfield & High Weald ward (2 No.) And for Lindfield ward (2 No.)
  • Lindfield Parish Council (LPC) and Lindfield Rural Parish Council (LRPC).


Survey Report published on this website with posts on the Scaynes Hill Village and Scaynes Hill Website Facebook pages.  Copy of report sent to Trevor Webster, Chair of Lindfield Rural Parish Council (LRPC).


Survey Report sent to MSDC to be given to consultants preparing the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) due to be published for consultation later this year.


Survey closed. 434 responses received.


Survey distributed to households in Scaynes Hill and online version opened via website with link posted on Village Facebook page; later articles in Parish Magazine and school newsletter.

You can read here the latest news regarding the outcomes from the survey and distribution of the report to various stakeholders. We have arranged the entries below in reverse date order so the latest is at the top.  If you want to be notified each time this page is updated with new information please e-mail shlat@btinternet.com so that you can be put on a notification list. Please see our Privacy Notice giving details of how your information will be used in compliance with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).